Carl Hickey
Carl Hickey, aged 25 is working full time as an artist. specialising in painting as his main discipline he also used video and written notes to demonstrate his surroundings. Growing up in the inner city he moved to Clondalkin, Bawnogue in 2002 and lived there up until a few months ago before I moved to Barcelona at the start of this year to focus on working and researching abroad, Hickey graduated from NCAD in 2022 in Fine Art where he received a Residency Award with The Dean Art Studios just off of South William St. in Dublin City, where he worked on two solo shows "In-Between Stops" in Liberty Ink and "Everything and Nothing" in Atelier Now. Hickey’s work finds beauty within the regularly seen events as I move through life. whether that's a garda knicking someone or just a bloke holding flowers waiting on his missus, something will always catch his eye.
“Leon Jumps in the Liffey for 50 Euro”, Oil on canvas, 24”x24”
“Saturation”, Acrylic on canvas, 60x60cm, Source from The Irish Sun 16/7/2018