Líath Murdiff

Líath Murdiff is a Dublin-based visual artist whose work explores the intersection of nostalgia, satire, and whimsical imagination. Drawing inspiration from found objects and imagery, Murdiff creates pieces that invite viewers to reconsider the mundane aspects of daily life. Her series, "Romanticise Ur Life," celebrates the present moment, encouraging us to appreciate the beauty and significance of even the most ordinary experiences. By translating internal monologues and visualisations into abstract compositions, Murdiff aims to evoke a sense of both familiarity and wonder.

“Movin’ On Up”, acrylic on canvas, 24cm x 30cm x 2cm.

Untitled, 2023, acrylic and glitter glue on canvas, 23cm x 31cm x 2cm.

“Upside Down and All Around”, 2023, acrylic on canvas, 18cm x 24cm x 2cm.


Kevin Judge


Rachael Melvin